Filling Station to Host New Bern Amateur Radio Club’s 2024 Winter Field Day

The New Bern Amateur Radio Club (NBARC), our first Filling Station partner (W4EWN repeater is housed in our building), will be having its annual Winter Field Day at the Filling Station on January 27th, 2024. This field day event is held to give amateur radio operators (HAMS) all over the world a chance to test their radio equipment outdoors and under alternate power to simulate field use in case of emergency.

From the Winter Field Day website -

We passionately believe that Ham radio operators should practice portable emergency communications in winter environments as the potential for freezing temperatures, snow, ice, and other hazards present unique operational concerns. WFD is formatted to help increase your level of preparedness for disasters and improve your operational skills in subpar conditions.

NBARC members will be operating their radios inside and outside from approximately 2PM - 5 PM, and the public is welcome and encouraged to attend. If you are interested in emergency communications or amateur radio in general, this is a great time to stop by and see amateur radio in action and get your questions answered. More info can be found on the NBARC website.