Hurricane Community Forum

This Hurricane Community Forum is presented by the National Weather Service and hosted by The Filling Station.

The info below is from the NWS website. Follow this link to register for the forum on September 18th at 6 PM in Pollocksville. 

Why: Did you know that Eastern North Carolina is the MOST frequently impacted stretch of coastline in the country to hurricanes? Names like the San Ciriaco storm of 1899, The Storm of 1933, Hazel (1954), Ione (1955), Donna (1960), Gloria (1985), Bertha (1996),Fran (1996), Bonnie (1998), Floyd (1999), Isabel (2003), Irene (2011), Matthew (2016), Florence (2018) and Dorian (2019 are all well known to our area.

What: Join us for these free, open to all, public discussions about hurricane preparedness.  You will have the chance to hear a presentation from a meteorologist from the National Weather Service on hurricanes and their impacts on Eastern North Carolina.  We will go over why you should never just focus on just the category of the storm, what the hurricane path track means, the various impacts tropical cyclones can bring and why you should NEVER let you guard down, even after the storm passes!  We will also cover the hurricane outlook for the year while emphasizing that it only takes one storm to make an impact on your life!  At the end you will be able to ask questions you may have.

You may also find this hurricane archive highlighting NC hurricanes interesting.